It symbolizes the entire LGBTQ community in general and is the one that you will have seen the most on the streets! Some commercials and restaurants even use this flag to communicate the defense of the fight. It’s the flag that is usually used in demonstrations, and it’s the main flag for gay men. This flag contains the same design as the original, and it’s intended to represent the Pride community. And do you know the meaning of the different colors? He asked Giblert Baker to create a flag to represent Gay Pride. It was thought in 1978 by Harvey Milk, the first official of California who declared himself a homosexual person. This is the original flag for the gay movement. Surely you have always seen different colors or have wondered the meaning of each color, keep reading! Gilbert Baker Pride Flag We are going to see all the flags and what they represent. The colors in the different flags of the collection represent different genders and identities in which people feel connected.
Today we want to talk about the different LGBTQ flags and their meanings! These are the LGBTQ flags you must know We love the LGBTQ world and all that it implies, we recently talked about the influence of Generation Z on this collective.